Monday, July 22, 2013

Relaxation procedure....getting myself to optimal health


Hi everyone!

I do believe that I rate myself at a 9 for my optimal well-being. I think that I could improve on exercising and controlling my thoughts but I feel great for the most part. My time management skills do need some improvement though. I am a positive person that always finds the silver lining in most circumstances so I think this puts me in a good mental state of mind. I don't get offended easily because I choose not to even if someone is trying to say something mean to me. I figure it will hurt them more than it will me because I don't want to carry that burden around. A goal for the physical aspect of my life is to run or work out every morning. Spiritually, I would like to read the Bible more and meditate on it's words. Psychologically I want to improve in time management and push forward to success. The relaxation exercise was frustrating because it took so long! It needs more music and less talking. This exercise could be fit into my morning routine if I just played soft music in the backround. I would like to do yoga and include my daughters in it. Does anyone have suggestions to help me get my daughters started? See you around! ~Julia:)


  1. Hello Julia,
    You are not alone in this time management saga. I make new resolutions every year that I often time starts well and end up poorly and it is in the area of time management. I am working on it this time, rather than beat myself to death, I will start with a baby step and reward me for every baby step I make. You are not alone, identifying this issue means their is a silver lining, good luck

  2. Hi Julia,
    Time management is at the top of my to-do list as well. It's not so much that I can't manage my time well, I just need more time to do all the things I have to do in a day! I guess that's asking too much, huh? I too, want to familiarize myself with the Bible again because as a child, I went to Sunday school every single Sunday while my grandma went to what I used to call "the big church". I think when we have someone in our lives that is spiritually grounded it helps us to become more grounded in our own spirituality. This just reminds me of how much my grandmother had all aspects of her life in order and she practiced what she preached. Would you be interested in putting your daughters in tumbling class? I think that might increase their flexibility and get them ready for taking yoga? What do you think?

  3. Hello to both of you,
    I am planning on sitting down tomorrow and creating myself a schedule again. I need to stay on track so that I do not get overwhelmed. I tend to procrastinate.Routines are good for all of us at this house and help us function more effectively.
    I love the thought of putting my daughters in a tumbling class. Thank you so much for the suggestion! This will help them in many ways.
