Saturday, August 24, 2013

Exercise and Practice Sessions Evaluation

Hi to all my fellow classmates and Professor!
     I would have to say that the two practices that were most beneficial for me was the visualization and the meditation exercises. I believe these two were best for me because I could guide my mind where it wanted to go without distractions rather than someone talking to me and telling my mind where to go. I can use the visualization by making a point of thinking positive things while I am in the midst of a difficult situation. I cannot dwell on negative thoughts that will just snowball and bad will go to worse.Meditation is great too because it is about clearing my mind. This releases a lot of stress for me and allows me to find my center. I think that visualization is for me throughout the day as things are thrown at me. At the time, I just start thinking of all the good in my life and it always outweighs all the bad. I prefer to do meditation in the morning before I start my day so that I can stay focused and stress free the whole day.
    Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! ~Julia


  1. Julia,
    Isn't it amazing how we can turn our whole day around just by changing the way we think about things? I think after we've gotten stressed about something and we take a few moments to center ourselves we come out the other side with a completely different and most of the time completely positive perspective. It's pretty powerful stuff.

  2. Julia,
    I agree with your idea of starting the meditation in the morning. It helps to start the day out relaxed too! I am under a lot of stress right now (but who isn't) and I also found the meditation and visualization exercises the most beneficial for me as well. I was able to focus on the positive things I have going for me in life and keep focusing on them. In the end, I was able to push through the negativity. Because I was able to do this, I know that in future moments of panic and despair, I will be able to remember pulling through this particular episode. Just keep focused--I have to tell myself that daily!

  3. Hi Julia, I currently have negative thoughts about blogging. How do I get that out of my mind? I enjoyed your blog, and agree that we are able to change our reality by simply changing our thoughts. However, I have a very difficult time meditating in the morning.

  4. Hello Julia,
    I do agree with your blog post because I too believe that our reality can be changed but the removal of negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones.

  5. Hello Julia,
    I do agree with your blog post because I too believe that our reality can be changed but the removal of negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones.
